Sep 20, 2021
From 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

ContactChristine Matte, Coordonnatrice aux affaires académiques / Academic Affairs Coordinator(514) 987-5529

Sonia del Rincón

Sonia del Rincón

Targeting MNK1/2 in cancer: What have we learned and where are we going?

Sonia del Rincón PhD
Assistant Professor
Division of Experimental Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
McGill University

This conference is organized by Jean-François Coté. It is part of the 2021-2022 IRCM conference calendar. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference series will be presented on Zoom.

Zoom Link :
ID : 944 7203 0139
Code : 462063

The overall objective of my lab is to understand how cancers, specifically melanoma and breast cancer, highjack signaling pathways as a means to acquire aggressive phenotypes required for their increased metastatic potential. Protein synthesis is a tightly controlled process that can be altered by signal transduction pathways.We and others have shown that dysfunctional mRNA translation, specifically involving the MNK1/2-eIF4E signaling axis, is common in cancer. In this lecture, I will provide vignettes of the contributions we have made to understanding the role of MNK1/2 in cancer, showing their importance as metastasis promoters and therapeutic drug targets. 

Short bio
Dr. Sonia del Rincón completed her postdoctoral training focusing on identifying novel druggable targets in breast cancer at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute. In 2018, Dr. del Rincón was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Oncology at McGill University, and Investigator of the Lady Davis Institute. She has made important contributions to our understanding of the role of deregulated signal transduction in cancer. Her lab is funded by CIHR, Cancer Research Society, The Cole Foundation and an Emerging Scholar Award from the Canadian Cancer Society.

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