Oct 02, 2023
From 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Location 110, avenue des PinsMontréal, QC, H2W 1R7Canada
ContactChristine Matte, Coordonnatrice aux affaires académiques / Academic Affairs Coordinator
IRCM Conference

Mamatha Bhat

Mamatha Bhat

Personalizing liver cancer and transplant care with tools of artificial intelligence

Mamatha Bhat, MD, PhD
Staff Hepatologist | Clinician Scientist
Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
University Health Network (UHN)

Associate Professor
Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
University of Toronto

This conference is hosted by Jennifer Estall, PhD. This conference is part of the 2023-2024 IRCM conference calendar.

In person: 
IRCM Auditorium
110, avenue des Pins O, H2W 1R7 Montreal

Zoom Link : https://zoom.us/j/95269762104
ID : 952 6976 2104
Code : 476372

IRCM conferences are set to occur under a hybrid format. However, please note that last-minute changes to online-only lectures may occur due to unforeseen circumstances. We invite you to visit this webpage again a few days before attending.

About this conference
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been increasingly developed and evaluated to personalize predictions in liver medicine. Various factors affect liver cancer pathology and outcomes, including sex, underlying liver disease, ethnicity, genetics, BMI. There exist complex, non-linear patterns in laboratory tests that must be considered in conjunction with the complex clinical variables to predict outcome. Additionally, electronic health record data, imaging technologies, histology, and ‘omics data have continued to expand the types of data available. These complex data points, longitudinal changes, hidden patterns and interrelationships can be uniquely leveraged with the use of AI tools. I will discuss my group's experience in developing and deploying AI tools into clinical practice, which represents a unique opportunity to personalize the care of liver cancer and transplant patients.

About Mamatha Bhat
Dr. Mamatha Bhat is a Hepatologist and Co-Lead of the Transplant AI initiative at UHN's Ajmera Transplant Centre. She is also Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Bhat completed her medical school and residency training at McGill University. She then completed a Transplant Hepatology fellowship at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota, USA), followed by a CIHR Fellowship for Health Professionals, through which she completed a PhD.
The goal of Dr. Bhat’s research program is to use tools of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with bioinformatics to personalize the care of liver transplant recipients based on an improved biological understanding. Dr. Bhat's team has been both developing as well as deploying AI tools published by her group into the clinical setting. Her interdisciplinary program has been supported by CIHR, NSERC, the Terry Fox Research Institute, the Canadian Donation and Transplant Research Program (CDTRP), and the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF), among others. Dr. Bhat has been the recipient of recognitions such as the CIHR-INMD-CASL Early Career Researcher prize (2022), the CASL Research Excellence Award (2022) and the American Society of Transplantation Basic Science Career Development Award (2021). She has published over 135 papers, including senior-authored papers in Lancet Digital Health, Journal of Hepatology, Hepatology and JAMA Surgery.

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