The official results of the highly competitive CIHR Project grants for the Spring 2022 competition report that three of the applications submitted by our scientists were successful, an exceptional success rate (33%) compared to the national success rate of 19%.
The three successful projects are those of :
Dr. André Veillette
Dr. Artur Kania (with Dr. Farin Bourojeni)
Dr. Tarik Möröy
Congratulations to the teams and a warm thank you to the colleagues who agreed to participate in this important aspect of the work that constitutes internal review of grant applications.
Dr Jean-François Côté
Dr Michel Cayouette
Dre Nicole Francis
Dr Javier Di Noia
Dr Martin Sauvageau
A few details on the projects:
Dr. Artur Kania:
Project title: Functional characterization of a spinothalamic pathway for somatosensory integration during locomotion.
Lay title: A neuronal pathway for the refinement of locomotion
Special thanks to the co-applicant of this project, Dr. Farin Bourojeni.
Dr. Tarik Möröy :
Project title: The role of the RNA helicase DDX3X in Burkitt Lymphoma and its potential as a new therapeutic target
Lay title: Investigation on a potential new therapeutic target for the treatment of Burkitt Lymphoma
Dr. André Veillette :
Project title: SLAMF7 in innate immune cells and anti-cancer immunotherapy
Lay title: SLAMF7, a new target for immunotherapy
Congratulations to all!