Isabelle Audet, Director of Human Resources
For a human scale and inclusive IRCM
NB: This series of encounters highlights the diversity of the members of the IRCM community, the variety of their expertise and the depth of their commitment to their respective roles
We've come a long way, since Isabelle took the helm of the Human Resources Department, two years ago. Since then, the HR team has fully rebuilt itself to meet the needs of the IRCM community, always in respect of the field’s best practices.
Isabelle particularly appreciates her team, which she describes as young, dynamic and full of potential.
‘’I'm fortunate to work with talented HR people who bring diversity and innovative ideas. Their commitment and contribution are essential to our success.’’
She adds that her team's solid administrative support helps achieve objectives, while fostering a climate of trust and collaboration. She sees HR's mission as broader than providing services to employees on employment and career issues:
‘’Yes, we deal with a fairly high volume of various requests, including matters relating to group insurance, staffing, operations, etc. But more broadly, we try to implement initiatives that serve the whole community and foster exchanges, to offer a healthy, welcoming and inclusive workplace conducive to everyone’s development.’’
With her extensive experience, Isabelle has worked in structures of all sizes, in both the private and public sectors, including complex institutions. At the IRCM, she finds a sense of human proximity she particularly values, and which, she says, goes hand in hand with her department’s humanist approach.
‘’In large organizations, one can work for years without really getting to know the people. At the IRCM, there is this closeness on a daily basis. Of course, this can also mean being on the front line when challenges emerge, but it's this same proximity that enables us to act quickly and be creative in our solutions.’’
For her, who until recently, taught in UQAM's Human Resources undergraduate program, working alongside the youth is a real joy.
‘’I love the idea of training others and contributing to their development.’’
Between science, administration and students, the IRCM is a rich and exciting place for her. Among her team's major projects, for the coming months and years, there is the objective to reinforce a context conducing to well-being at work with large-scale joint activities, and also to promote diversity and inclusion.
‘’We must not give up, and keep moving in the right direction, at the right pace and in a carefully thought manner. And we must keep working to recognize everyone's talents.’’