Relationship between the phases of the menstrual cycle, glycemic fluctuations, and insulin requirements

Research project aiming at examining the relationship between the phases of the menstrual cycle, glycemic fluctuations, and insulin requirements (Glymety)


The Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) is seeking participants for a research project under the supervision of Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret (IRCM).

This study involves one visit and an observational period that can be undertaken over approximately 5 months:

•    A first visit to determine your eligibility to participate in the study will take place by telephone/video conference. The duration of this visit is approximately 1 hour.
•    An observation period over three menstrual cycles to collect data on glucose levels, insulin doses, menstrual cycles and premenstrual symptoms. This data will be collected by using online software. You will also be offered the opportunity to wear a fitness tracker and to use an app to take pictures of your food intake.

This is an observational study with no intervention.

During the study period, you will continue using your own diabetes treatment.

Inclusion criteria

•    Have type 1 diabetes for more than one year
•    Be between 18 and 50 years old
•    Use a continuous glucose monitor


Anne Bonhoure, PhD Candidate
514-987-5500 extension 3238

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